Monday, July 19, 2010

Betting on Weight Loss
Have trouble staying on your diet?
Try putting your money where your mouth is
By Sari Harrar
Good Housekeeping, July 2010 (Vol. 251 No. 1)
Good Housekeeping photography Bill Swan and Jean E. Lee

I'm so lame! I totally abandoned taking PETER & MAX (by Bill Willingham; illustrated by Steve Leialoha) on vacation in favor of starting Tana French's IN THE WOODS . Problem was, once I got to my parent's house, I wasn't in the mood for IN THE WOODS and I hadn't brought a back-up book! So I went looking around the house for something to read only to discover, much to my chagrin, there are NO books in my parent's house, only back issues of Ladies Home Journal and a recent issue of Good Housekeeping! Okaaay, I picked up the copy of GH and read an article by Sari Harrar called "Betting on Weight Loss." It ended up being a timely article in my life as I'm about to start a round of the Game On! Diet (08/01) and it served as a sort of gloss about competing with your family and friends in weight loss challenges.

The Game On! Diet
By Krista Vernoff and Az Ferguson
HarperCollins e-books, Kindle edition

Anyway, I also dnloaded the e-book edition of The Game On! Diet (by Krista Vernoff and Az Ferguson) which isn't so much a diet book, as it is an explanation of the rules of the game. I did feel a little ripped off as it wasn't really much more substantive than the GH article (unfair I know since the book came out first and I'm sure it was the basis for the article) and, the experts quoted for the book were the medical consultants for the television show, Grey's Anatomy (The book was written by one of the show's writers, Krista Vernoff and, the show's trainer, Az Ferguson.) Hmmm, I might have felt better had the consulting doctors written the book instead, but then I would have probably have complained that the good doctors had no writing skills :-/ Well, at least the information is fairly innocuous (eat better, exercise more and get plenty of sleep) so it's not going to kill me and, I think it's a great way to get in the habit of making smarter choices health-wise. Moreover, the book does contain recipes and helpful hints for succeeding in your challenge and the common sense underpinning the book is delivered in a friendly way (unlike the screeching SKINNY BITCH book which I will be reviewing later.) As the challenge approaches its start date and throughout the game, I will be posting more specific comments about the Game On! Diet book as well as other relevant material.

Some of my reasons for wanting to play this game:

  • I am overweight. Four months ago I was obese and currently I am the average weight for my height and age; but I would like to get back to fighting form. For this challenge, I would like to just get back to the normal weight for my height and age;
  • I want to be around for the important milestones in my child's life. I can't be around if I'm dying or dead because of diabetes, cardiac issues, or whatever. I envision myself strutting in a vintage Chanel (by Karl Lagerfeld) little black dress suit at my daughter's college graduation; adjusting the wedding veil right before she walks down the aisle; holding my grandchild/-ren when they're babies... I want to be around for all that and more.
  • I hate the way I look and feel, which is basically like Jabba the Hutt. I really want to look and feel like a sexy Manga chick wearing stiletto thigh-high biker boots...

In case you're wondering, I will NOT to posting daily blogs about this challenge. I will instead be tweeting daily and posting weekly. For now, I will leave you with this "Before" picture:

1 comment:

  1. OMG you so do NOT look like that! But imaginations can be pretty distorting.... You have me intrigued by this one on dieting incentives. I guess money really is the thing that works consistently. The family (3 of us) have embarked on the diet journey together....and though I have armed us with the "facts" everything from Atkins to the "O2 Diet"... nothing has quite caught fire. Now we are being "Good" Mon - Fri and Eating What We Want on the weekends. If we screw up during the week - it costs us each a buck. GAME ON sounds like more encouragement on this venture. Thanks for the heads up!
