The Thank You Economy
written and narrated by Gary Vaynerchuk
5.6 hoursIf you are a small business, a larger business or, a major corporation, this is the social media bible for you and every single person in your employ. Whereas Crush It! is the bible for individuals with the entrepreneurial spirit seeking to implement social media, The Thank You Economy is the guidebook for companies that need to be using social media correctly. The book defines the new rules of engagement when it come to establishing and maintaining relationships with customers via social media platforms; counters arguments against using social media in and for the workplace; makes general recommendations about incorporating social media into your company and; provides examples of how this works for different kinds of businesses. The core message of the book is that companies need to engage all of their customers in a personal and meaningful way that is made possible by the social media platforms that are now available. This book is absolutely invaluable for anyone who seeks to utilize social media in business and; also for any business that thinks that social media is irrelevant.
Gary Vaynerchuk's enthusiasm is as famous/infamous as it is infectious. He is brilliant but; for the uninitiated, his passion can be startling. In the middle of the audio, there is a certain amount of fatigue and; less extemporizing on the part of Gary Vaynerchuk that seems to settle in - all of which seems in contrast to his normal hyperactive style and makes for a certain uneven feel to the overall production. Regardless, only Gary Vaynerchuk can narrate this material because, in a way, it's very much his story, his memoir. Gary Vaynerchuk eats, sleeps and breathes this stuff and, needless to say practices what he preaches.
The clip below about the Morton's Steak bit that went viral is a perfect illustration of the principles outlined in The Thank You Economy. Ignore the lame graphics and editing. Seriously, the guy really should pay more attention to production quality. In his defense, Gary Vaynerchuk has perviously averred that message trumps media quality; however, poor production quality hurts the message. It's like sending a crippled runner with an urgent message :-/
Other Stuff: I received a digital dnload copy of The Thank You Economy upon request from Harper Audio, Inc.
Ooh, this sounds really interesting. Maybe I need to listen.